But I digress, ice cream made with breast milk is just not my cup of tea. If you feel like making milk come out of your nose, head here and check out the comments. There are quite boob-a-luscious.
On a side note, my clinic called me back yesterday. Yeah! But the nurse left a message on my cell phone which I rarely check because I refuse to be attached to my cell phone and try to only use it for emergencies and because I never check it I never got the message. Boo. But, I called her back and left her a message and meant to bring my cell phone into the office with me in case she called me but I left it my car and didn't realize it until I got up to my desk which is 2 blocks over and 11 flights up and decided not to go back to my car to get it (I like me some run ons! And exclamations!!!! Wheee!!!!!). Whatta ya wanna bet she called my cell phone and left a message?
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