
To my Manipulative P-nut

My dearest Tweedle P-
One year ago you started kindergarten. You were excited to be going to school with Kowie but you were nervous because you didn't know anyone and the school was large and intimidating. You cried that first day...and everyday after that for three weeks. Daddy would hug you and tell you not to be afraid. You would cry for a few minutes and were fine by the time the day really got going. Funny thing though, you only cried when Daddy dropped you off, never Mommy. I finally asked you on that fourth Monday why you cry for Daddy and not Mommy and you told me it makes Daddy feel better. Even at 5, you could manipulate your Daddy like no other.

It is one year later. You started first grade today. You got the teachers you wanted and your two best friends are in your class, they even sit at your table. You know the school now and know what to expect. It is less scary. You didn't cry when we got to school, and had no trouble leading the line right into the classroom. You smiled and laughed with the girls. You were thrilled to be back at school.

Of course, the day was not drama free. Is any day drama free with you? The drama began when it came time to pick an outfit. You picked a purple skirt and a blue LONG sleeved shirt. I said it was hot and your school isn't air conditioned. You should pick something short sleeved. You protested and, in the interest of avoiding drama on the first day, I caved. Daddy did not. He caught you wearing that long sleeved shirt and told you take it off...now. You cried, he got angry, you cried some more. Then the drama began. You whined, complained, refused to change or look for something else in your closet to wear. I couldn't handle it, I got angry, I made Daddy deal with you. I went to dry my hair. Your daddy had you laughing in no time, found an outfit you loved and you were excited for school again. It was 96 degrees today. The heat at school made you sick. Daddy was right, long sleeves were a bad idea. Happy first day of school baby. Mommy and Daddy love you.

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