
A great website

Several people have expressed interest in egg donation, whether it be through e-mail or in comments. Today I found a great resource for information regarding surrogacy and egg donation. The site is called Infertility Answers. Please visit it and look around. It has a lot of great information. I will place a link on my sidebar as well.


Sharon LaMothe said...

Thank you so much for posting this information...if you think of a question that is NOT answered for you, just write to me and let me know and I will add it to the site!

Have a great day and Thanks again!

Stacie said...

Thanks Sharon. Your site is really helpful and I have had a hard time finding sites that speak to the donor. I will definately send you any additional questions I have.

PVED said...

Hi there - Sharon's site is amazing! Sharon is also a part of our organization Parents Via Egg Donation-- where we hold a special place in our hearts for egg donors like you:)