
Do you hear that?

Just listen. Do you hear it? That sound. I almost forgot what it sounds like. It's silence. Nothing. Just me, the dog, and clicking of my keyboard. The kids are with my aunt, the hubby is at his dad's. I am alone...and I love it! I love a little me time. Time to lounge on the couch and be lazy. Time to watch Sabrina or To Each His Own without feeling guilty. Time to make a pan of PB Incredibles, eat the entire thing, and not have to endure that look that Raoul gives me when I make a pan of something and then eat the entire thing. I need this time. I almost had some last night; Raoul was with J and the kids went to bed almost on time but I fell asleep. I missed my quite time. I don't expect anyone back for hours. Ah, what great way to spend a Sunday.

Much better than this morning. Will someone please explain to me why it necessary for Tweedle C to step on anything that lays on the floor. Every single time? You see, the dog enjoys seeing his toys laying all over the place. Raoul and I pick them up and put them in his basket but he follows us and takes them out and drops them back on the floor. So, Chicken Shit's frisbee was laying on the ground today. Tweedle C was going to the bathroom and went out of his way to step on the frisbee. Why? He does this all the time. Books, clothes, toys, DVD cases, blankets, pillows, anything. If it is laying on the floor he will step on it. I just don't understand. I get especially annoyed when he steps on books. We love books at this house and we treat them with respect. He just steps all over them. Ugh! It drives me nuts. How can I break this terribly annoying habit?

I listened to the message from clinic today. Turns out they are sending me a large packet of information. I am to fill everything out and send it back to them. They will contact me after they have reviewed the profile and things will progress from there. They left the message Friday and since the clinic is pretty close I expect the packet by Tuesday or Wednesday. I am happy they called. This is the clinic I wanted to work with. I know the doctor and his reputation. They have a branch close to my office and close to my home so it is convenient. They are very well respected and work with a large teaching hospital in the area. I am happy to get this under way because I was feeling a bit discouraged.

Okay. Off to enjoy that wonderful lovely sound that I so rarely get to hear...and some yummy dessert!


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say how great I think it is that you are trying to donate your eggs for another couple. As a woman who has the potential to need donor eggs, I really admire your dedication to doing this. I also question why you haven't received much of a response from the clinics you've contact. I know that most clinics are always interested in new donors, so the lack of response is disheartening to me. I was glad to read that you finally heard something back!

I hope you enjoy your alone time and those PB Incredibles sound awesome!

Jill said...

Are you an angel? Seriously -- what a selfless thing to do. You rock.

And those PB Incredibles sounded so good that I had to go make a batch of brownies. And eat 1/3 of the pan as soon as they came out of the oven. Thanks. ;)

Stacie said...

Thanks for your support ladies. It was not a hard decision to make. For about six months now I have known it was something I wanted to do. It was just a matter of actually calling people and doing it. And I was surprised it took so long to hear back from the clinic but I am glad I did. Thanks for reading!