
I did it

I submitted my pre-screening application for egg donation. J and I talked about it and we both feel the same way. If I can help someone achieve their dream of having a family there is not a single negative aspect that can override that. We'll see what happens from here. I am a little nervous about the side effects the meds can cause but I know it will be worth it.

In other news, the Tweedles really pissed me off tonight. They were especially wild and I am especially tired. I have a huge project due next week and I have been putting in many extra hours at night. So, when Tweedle C laughed at me when I asked him to get his jammies on I lost it. They went to bed at 7:30 and I promptly opened a bottle of wine, no glass. And a I ate the last brownie. Sorry J! Love you sweetie!

Well, back to work. This presentation is due the 14th and I really need to make some good progress tonight. Sleep tight my little ones.


Aunt Becky said...

I was just thinking of how I might do egg donation when I'm done gestating this last baby! You'll have to let me know what you think!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

That is an amazingly unselfish wonderful thing to do. If I could get past myself-- I would do the same thing.