
Just a planner

As I announced yesterday, my good friend Jen is pregers! Yeah Jen! Now, I am a planner. When I was in college, I walked into my adviser's office with the next two years completely mapped out and he laughed at me. He said if every student was like me he would be out of the job. But, I went into his office with only 42 credits under my belt and finished just two short years later with a double major, a minor while raising two kids and working a full time job. So planning paid off.

When I go into the real world I realized there was less I could plan. I could not control when my employer gave me a raise or a much wanted promotion and it was stressful. I had a hard time just letting it ride, hoping my employer would recognize my devotion and, of course, my brilliance. I am getting better at it. We get raises in April and, if it is enough, I would like to quit my job at the pharmacy. Usually I would checking our budget, crunching numbers, and putting together dozens of if-then scenarios. I have not done that. I am waiting until April! To see what my raise is! Then I will decide what to do! It was hard at first but I have found my life is much easier without that crap on my mind all the time. I like to think I am channeling my inner guy.

But I digress...where was I? Oh yes, Jen is knocked up, has a bun in the over, is with child, is nursing a parasite. And I want to make her something! She is a knitter. An amazing knitter. She can do things with two needles and a skane that I can't even wrap my head around. And I really want it to be something special because she is so amazing . Of course, I will wait until that magical time when she tells me if her little parasite is of the boy or girl variety. I am hoping girl because I really want to use pink and green because Oh My God! I love pink and green! Of course, if it is a boy I will make do. I can't start making it now but I can certainly pick my pattern now! Here is where I ask for help. What should I make. I am debating between a couple of different things:

I really love the turtle buddy and it wouldn't be very hard. I don't even need to make it a turtle. I have a dog pattern, a bear, and a pig. The blanket is easy enough and just gets sewn onto the bottom of the stuffed toy. And, seriously, how cute would a pink pig with a green blanket be! Of course, the stroller blanket is nice too and, again, pretty easy to do. But, she is due in October so a hooded blanket will be great for those sub zero winter nights. I just can't decide! Help me Internets, please.


Tiffi33 said...

I vote for the stroller blanket...it is adorable...
and if it is a boy flavor, blue & green is super cute...
and you could possibly do the hooded blanket too, since they are both pretty simple..

and YAY a BABY!!
you can live vicariously...I know I do!

Anonymous said...

I too am a planner, an obsessive, compulsive planner.

My vote goes for the turtle/animal blanket. It's adorable and unique!