
I've been tagged

The lovely new mommy Jill tagged my times 2 this weekend.
The first tag is to open my photo folder to you all. Here are the official rules:
1. Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
2. Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.
3. Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.
4. Tag 5 other people to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog telling them about it.

The sixth picture is the sixth folder is this bad boy:

The hubby is the third from the left on the bottom. If you notice, they are all holding very large beer steins. Most of the guys in this picture were groomsmen at a Mother's Day wedding almost 2 years ago. It was taken at the end of the night after they had tapped out multiple kegs. The group calls themselves the Fly Guys. You see, Raoul works in sports entertainment. Many years ago, his employer had landed a large NBA team. Part of the deal was to provide those giant nylon guys that are attached to fans and blow around the stadium. Here is a picture:Anyway, because the company calls these things the fly guys, the team that installed them named themselves the fly guys. Then, just because having a little club wasn't enough, they gave themselves nicknames...after characters from Top Gun. The hubby goes by Maverick. Seriously. Not kidding. Do you think I could make this crap up?

So, the picture above is the fly guys (included are Goose, Sundown, Viper, Iceman, Wolfman, Slider, Maverick, Jester, Cougar, and Merlin but not in the order). I think there might be an extra guy in there that was related to the groom who wasn't actually a fly guy.

And now for the second tag I have to share 7 random things about myself. Okay, here we go

1) I love Cheerios. Most people eat popcorn when watching a movie but I open a box of Cheerios and those. Actually, I have a box of Cheerios open next to me right now.

2) I must have covers on when sleeping at all times. Even in the summer when it is 95 degrees outside I must have at least a sheet on. This stems from when I was a child. I was convinced there was a monster under my bed but couldn't get me as long as my body was under the covers.

3) Speaking of childhood phobias, Santa Clause totally freaked me out. And I am not talking cry when you sit on his lap. I am talking nightmares if I see his picture on TV before bed or read a book with him in it. It still freaks me out sometimes.

4) When I was a kid, my dad put shelves in my closet. They were huge shelves and were put up because my closet sat over the stairwell so I lost a lot of floor space. My best friend and made a secret fort on the top shelf. We would climb up there and hang out at sleep overs. We called our fort the Amazon. Miss ya Mere!

5) I have a serious obsession with the Girls Next Door. I was actually a little sad when Holly and Hef broke up because she was my favorite bunny. Oh, I miss that show.

6) I hate mornings. And, because I hate mornings and stay in bed way too long, I rarely style my hair. I wear it in a pony tail everyday except for holidays and parties. It takes me two or three years to get through a can of hairspray.

7) I really want a Stir Crazy. My parents had one when I was a kid and I loved the popcorn it made. I feel it is far superior to microwave popcorn and love the smell of the popping oil. I think I will remind Raoul, oops, I mean Maverick, that my birthday is coming up in just 5 short months and a stir crazy would be a perfect gift.

Okay, now I must tag 5 people for both and I choose:

Busted Babymaker

One Small Wish

Where's My Belly

Moms are for Everyone

Our Life and Two Dogs


Jill said...

That picture is hysterical! Maverick? Really? Thanks for giving me a good laugh this morning! ;)

Also -- I have to sleep with covers on as well -- for the same reason as you! I'm a grown woman with a child of my own, and yet I still don't feel "safe" unless I have a sheet or blanket on me.

Stacie said...

Yup, he's Maverick. And because I am married to him they all decided I should be Charlie. Lucky Me!