Two reasons why I shouldn't let the kids sit next to me while I read blogs.
- C has been drawing various shades, sizes, and shapes of "poo" since he saw those pictures.
- P has been trying to figure out why that man wrote shirt under the "poo". Is it because he is trying to convince everyone it is not "poo"?
I covered the t in the word shit and she just assumed it said shirt. Close call.
Okay, now C just told me he has drawn potties and poopers (his words, not mine) in a tub on the whiteboard. He has 3 poopers and 2 potties. Some are green poopers and some are blue poopers. That makes me wonder, what in the hell is that boy passing?
Tweedle C working on his pooper masterpiece. I am sure this will hang in Louvre someday.
The small dark spots are areas of potty. The larger oval spots are the blue poopers. The two large ovals inside the round oval is green poopers in the tub. The lines next to the tub do not represent anything. They are just lines. Hey, I only report what the boy tells me.
rofl..I have never had my kids poop in the tub, thank GOD..
and I like his poo interpretation...very, erm he perhaps eating crayons when you aren't watching??
this may be a good time to teach the children it is not polite to read over someones
Bwahahaha! Your kids are better artists than I am, that's for sure.
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