I have a bone to pick with you. I understand the purpose of school is to educate the children and prepare them for the real world but do you think you could dumb it down a bit? You see, my 6 year old is a 1st grader in your district. Just one short year ago the girl could hardly read. Now she reads better than me. I am sure you are wondering why that is a bad thing. Put yourself in my shoes. You are tired but your children insist they need hear that ridiculously long book that no parent should be forced to read. Last year, I could skip the some pages and paraphrase others and no one was the wiser. But damn it, this year I actually have to read the book, word for word, the entire book. I get corrected when I skip words or pages.
As if that is not bad enough, she has learned to read the menu on TV. Again, how can this be bad you ask. Again, I ask that you put yourself in my shoes. I used to be able to convince my children the show that will not be named was not on. They didn't know about the menu. Now, she can work the damn remote all by herself. She turns on the menu, flips to noggin, and the RECORDS the show that will not be named so she can watch over and over and over and over....every time I hear this**, I die a little more inside. Seriously, this show freaks me out. Although this*** may freak me out a little bit more.
Therefore, I kindly request that you dumb things down a bit. Stop doing such a good job edumacating my children so I can get continue doing a half assed job as a parent.
A slacker parent trying to get her slacker life back
In donor egg news, um, well, there is no news. I am starting to feel a little bit indifferent about the entire process. I was so dedicated to it originally and filled about many applications and sent out many e-mails for more information. I have not heard one single peep from any of those people. It has been weeks. I even took it upon myself to call a clinic in my area. They were very nice and said they would leave my number with the person who takes care of that. They took my info and confirmed I could be reached at the number I left later that afternoon. Now, 6 days later, nothing. Not a peep from the clinic. I really want to do this but I don't know how long I can keep pestering people before I give up. I will try again Monday morning. I haven't told anyone at work I am doing this and would rather call when I am working from home. I decided I would keep people at work on a need to know basis. I work with a bunch of women and things can get very gossipy and mean.
So, I will try a bit more and make a few more phone calls. I know the interest in donating has increased but I also know clinics are always looking for more women. I am thinking the summer and the holiday kept people pretty busy and they are trying to catch up. I will keep posting updates but I feel like my donor egg blog is becoming a mommy blog. I love mommy blogs and read dozens of them but I wanted to create a resource for women looking for information because I had and continue to have such a hard time finding information.
**My kids were sitting next to me as I wrote this post and they made me listen to that damn song. Now I won't be able to sleep tonight.
***They made me watch this too and then started fighting about who got to sit on Daddy and who could see the screen. They pretty much lost it.
Oh, how I remember having to TURN OFF Law and Order because Ben finally "got it."
Damn the man.
Hubby informed me this morning he is the one who taught Payton how to use the DVR. He thought it was time for her to learn. Plus he didn't want to get up from the couch to change the channel so he thought he could just walk her through everything with the remote. I guess it helps his slacker parenting.
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